
The explanation of magnets in the field of aviation


Problems in Aerospace Permanent Magnet Motors The magne […]

Problems in Aerospace Permanent Magnet Motors The magnetic properties of permanent magnets in permanent magnet motors directly affect the efficiency, safety and reliability of permanent magnet motors. If the motor is not designed or used improperly, the permanent magnet in the motor is prone to irreversible loss of magnetism due to high temperature, chemical corrosion, mechanical vibration and armature reaction caused by inrush current, which causes the motor performance to drop sharply and may even cause the motor. Stop or burn. Because aerospace motors are faced with many harsh working conditions, such as mechanical overload caused by vibration and shock, current overload during starting or reversing, and complex atmospheric and temperature conditions, while aeronautical motors have high reliability. Therefore, in order to obtain a wide range of applications in the field of aerospace, the permanent magnet motor must first solve the problem of loss of magnetism of the permanent magnet of the motor. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the cause of the loss of magnetism of the permanent magnet of the motor and find out the way to improve the anti-demagnetization capability of the motor.

Analysis of Causes of Loss of Magnetism in Permanent Magnet Motor

The reasons for the loss of magnetism cause the permanent magnet motor to lose magnetism. The reasons for the loss of magnetism can be divided into the following three cases:

The thermal stability, time stability, chemical stability, external magnetic field stability and vibration resistance of the demagnetized permanent magnet material caused by the material itself are the main reasons for the loss of magnetism of the permanent magnet motor.